As Beast is all set to release on April 14, all eyes are on Thalapathy Vijay's upcoming film with director Vamshi Paidipally. Tentatively titled Thalapathy 66, the film is produced on a massive scale by Dil Raju and Shirish. According to reports, Pushpa girl Rashmika Mandanna has been roped to romance Thalapathy Vijay in the untitled film. An official confirmation on the same is still awaited.
Earlier, the makers had considered Pooja Hegde and Kiara Advani to play the lead roles in the film. However, they have zeroed in on Rashmika. Soon, an official announcement will be made.
In an interview with a Telugu TV channel, Dil Raju said, "Vamshi has come up with a beautiful storyline. When I listened to it, I loved it. Vijay listened to the story and said that he hadn't heard a story like this in 20 years. When a star says this, it gives you confidence. The film's shooting will begin in March. If there are no delays due to Covid-19, then the film will release on Diwali. If it misses Diwali, it will release on Sankranti 2023."
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